We offer in-house jewelry appraisal services by our staff NAJA certified appraiser Jack Spirit. An insurance replacement report for a standard item are usually start at only $150. Prices will vary for complex items and different types of appraisal requests. Some unusual services, such as estate appraisals, require a preliminary consultation appointment. Call today or stop in for a no obligation consultation with Jack.
We at Bonaci Fine Jewelers know how important your jewelry is to you. Whether it was inherited, discovered on your own, or something for the future generation to cherish, we know that it's important for you to have peace of mind as to the value of the piece.

In addition to the sentimental value of your pieces, they can be insured and protected, and Bonaci Fine Jewelers is here to provide our assessment of your jewelry and watches' monetary value. Whether or not this is an updated appraisal, or because you've had something for years and never known its worth, Bonaci is the jewelry store serving the Kent, Washington community and surrounding areas.
All appraisals at Bonaci Fine Jewelers are done on site, and with a detailed report and photograph provided by us. This can be provided to your insurance provider, or we can suggest one. This documentation is essential to your assurance that your pieces are insured for the proper value should something happen to them.

The appraisal will take into account:
• Present-day retail prices for comparison
• Brand names and manufacturer marks
• Gold karat, platinum percentage, and diamond/gemstone quality
• Wear and condition
• We recommend Jewelers Mutual to our clients to insure their purchases.